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Bible Exposition Commentary Pdf Free Download


Free Online Bible Commentaries on all Books of the Bible. Authored by John Schultz, who served many decades as a C&MA Missionary and Bible teacher in Papua, Indonesia. His insights are lived-through, profound and rich of application.

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All 66 books of the Bible have been covered by John Schultz: An accomplishment of a life time, matched by only a few saints in history. Make your choice below and download the PDF Commentary eBook for free.

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians Colossians 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.

Old Testament
2,5 mB
Exodus 2,6 mB
Leviticus 1,2 mB
Numbers 2,5 mB
Deuteronomy 2,9 mB
Joshua 1,1 mB
Judges 1,5 mB
Ruth 0,23 mB
1 Samuel 1.25 mB
2 Samuel 1,4 mB
1 Kings 1,6 mB
2 Kings 1,1 mB
1 Chronicles 2,1 mB
2 Chronicles 1,4 mB
Ezra 0,2 mB
Nehemiah 0,2 mB
Esther 0,4 mB
Job 0.3 mB
Psalms 1 thru 41 2,6 mB
Psalms 42 thru 72 1,9 mB
Psalms 73 thru 89 1,4 mB
Psalms 90 thru 106 1,2 mB
Psalms 107 thru 150 2,3 mB
Proverbs 1.7 mB
Ecclesiastes 0.6 mB
Song of Songs 1 mB
Isaiah 2.3 mB
Jeremiah 1.8 mB
Lamentations 0.4 mB
Ezekiel 1.4 mB
Daniel 0.45 mB
Hosea 0.39 mB
Joel 0.17 mB
Amos 0.15 mB
Obadiah 0.06 mB
Jonah 0.08 mB
Micah 0.33 mB
Nahum 0.13 mB
Habakkuk 0.26 mB
Zephaniah 0.16 mB
Haggai 0.09 mB
Zechariah 0.23 mB
Malachi 0.2 mB
New Testament
1,7 mB
Mark 1,6 mB
Luke 2,3 mB
John 2,9 mB
Acts 4,1 mB
Romans 1 mB
1 Corinthians 0.75 mB
2 Corinthians 0.27 mB
Galatians 0,3 mB
1,6 mB
1 Thessalonians 0.18 mB
2 Thessalonians 0.11 mB
1 Timothy 0.5 mB
2 Timothy 0.3 mB
Titus 0.23 mB
Philemon 0,6 mB
Hebrews 1.3 mB
James 0,9 mB
1 Peter 0.3 mB
2 Peter 0.5 mB
1 John 0.2 mB
2 John 0.2 mB
3 John 0.2 mB
Jude 0.32 mB
Revelation 0.52 mB
Additional work
Study on David
0.47 mB


Copyright (c) John Schultz. All Rights Reserved.
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All Bible quotations in the material of rev. John Schultz, unless indicated otherwise:
New International Version The Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. All Rights Reserved.

About John Schultz


John and Janine Schultz John and Janine Schultz have spent 37 fruitful years in Irian Jaya. The students who have attended their classes through the years, who are now pastors and church leaders throughout Irian, deeply respect them as spiritual mentors. John's unique sense of humor and amazing facility in many languages have made him a popular preacher. Janine's quiet, loving support has been a beautiful complement to their ministry.

The Beginnings

John was born in Haarlem, The Netherlands, where he found Christ while he was a high school student, later feeling God's call to full-time ministry. At the Brussels Bible Institute in Belgium God directed John to Dutch New Guinea under the Alliance. The Alliance Missionary Committee in The Netherlands was reluctant to send John because he was single. This "minor problem" was solved when John proposed to Janine, a young girl from the French speaking part of Belgium. They were married shortly after graduation and spent their honeymoon on a Dutch freighter with first class accommodations, at expenses paid by the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). Says Janine about this romantic interlude, "What a way to go!"

Janine was born to Christian parents and accepted Christ as a young girl. While attending Brussels Bible Institute, she stayed with an American missionary family on their way to Africa with the C&MA. This was her first contact with the Alliance. At a missionary meeting, following much hesitation and struggle, she told the Lord she would go anywhere He wanted her to go. So when John asked, "Would you like to go with me to New Guinea?" her heart was prepared with a positive response.

The First Years

When the Schultzes arrived at Obano in the Wissel Lakes in the heart of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, Janine was initially shocked by the primitive, odiferous Papua tribespeople and wondered if she could ever love them. She and John are both outstanding in their loving attitude toward the people of Irian, so God gave her the love she needed in abundance.

The Kapauku (Ekari) language was the first challenge John and Janine had to conquer. For Janine it was doubly difficult because she was learning English at the same time! Soon John was also given the responsibility of overseeing the Alliance Elementary School program, which was subsidized by the Dutch government. He also filled in as a teacher at the Continuation School in Tigi, grades four through six. At the same time he did district work in the Lake Tigi area. lt was a sink or swim situation and, by the grace of God and the support of his wonderful wife, John did not sink! For the last year of their first term, John and Janine moved back to Enarotali to teach in the Kapauku language Bible School. After furlough they taught in the same Bible School, now located at Kebo, where they worked for several years with Walter and Viola Post, the first missionaries to the interior of Irian Jaya.

Since no medical work was being done in Kebo at that time, they began to give out medicine, learning to give injections and treat injuries. Though they had no formal training, they learned by doing, often consulting a mission doctor via the short wave radio. Most of the people who came were helped, and nobody died! The years in Kebo became the best of their lives, even though they had to evacuate twice because of political unrest in the area.

The Later Years

After an extended furlough because of a severe medical problem of one of their children, they returned to Irian Jaya and at the request of the church they started the Theological School in Nabire. The Lord evidently gave His approval to this new project, since He provided the money to develop the campus and the personnel to teach. The Walter Post Theological School is now completely under Indonesian leadership. John and Janine can look back over years of blessing in that second phase of their ministry.

Their three oldest children, Ruthy, John Paul and Mitch, were born during their first term, with Viviane joining the family after their first furlough. All their children are following the Lord and serving Him in different ways. Ruthy and husband Tim Hall, a so-called missionary kid (MK) from Cambodia, are pastoring a C&MA church in south Georgia. John Paul (J.P.) and wife Judy (Harvey), an MK from Africa, are house parenting in the Dalat School in Malaysia. Mitch and his wife Elaine served under the C&MA in England and today run a ministry supporting Pastors and Missionaries. The Schultzes are the proud grandparents of twelve very special grandchildren.

In addition to their dedicated ministries to their students and to the national church, John and Janine's home is always open to fellow missionaries traveling through Nabire. Their servant hearts have been a blessing and challenge to all, and their warm hospitality will be greatly missed. They will leave a large part of themselves which has been invested in many lives in their adopted land of Irian Jaya.

Prayer and Praise

My King - S.M. Lockridge

This short video features the overwhelmingly beautiful and equally profound description of our King. As John and Janine Schultz served Christ so faithfully, we complete this web page with these words of Rev. Lockridge.

Tip: Use the YouTube controls to select Full Screen.

My King (Text)

By Dr. S.M. Lockridge

The Bible says my King is a seven-way king…. He's the King of the Jews; that's a racial king…. He's the King of Israel; that's a national King…. He's the King of Righteousness….He's the King of the Ages….. He's the King of Heaven…. He's the King of Glory….He's the King of kings, and He's the Lord of lords. That's my King. Well…. I wonder, do you know Him?…. David said, "The Heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork. My King is a sovereign King. No means of measure can define His limitless love. No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supply. No barrier can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings. He's enduringly strong…. He's entirely sincere…. He's eternally steadfast….He's immortally graceful…. He's imperially powerful…. He's impartially merciful……. Do you know Him?

He's the greatest phenomenon that ever crossed the horizon of this world. He's God's Son…. He's a sinner's Saviour…. He's the centerpiece of civilization…. He stands in the solitude of Himself…. He's august…. He's unique… .He's unparalleled…. He's unprecedented…. He's the loftiest idea in literature…. He's the highest personality in philosophy…. He's the supreme problem in higher criticism…. He's the fundamental doctrine of true theology…. He's the cardinal necessity for spiritual religion…. He's the miracle of the age…. He's the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him…. He's the only one qualified to be an all sufficient Saviour…… I wonder if you know Him today?

He supplies strength for the weak…. He's available for the tempted and the tried…. He sympathizes and He saves….He strengthens and sustains…. He guards and He guides…. He heals the sick…. He cleanses lepers…. He forgives sinners…. He discharges debtors…. He delivers captives…. He defends the feeble…. He blesses the young…. He serves the unfortunate…. He regards the aged…. He rewards the diligent…. and He beautifies the meek……. I wonder if you know Him?

Well, my King…. is the King…. He's the key to knowledge…. He's the wellspring to wisdom…. He's the doorway of deliverance…. He's the pathway of peace…. He's the roadway of righteousness …. He's the highway of holiness…. He's the gateway of glory……. Do you know Him?

Well…. His office is manifold…. His promise is sure…. His light is matchless…. His goodness is limitless…. His mercy is everlasting…. His love never changes…. His word is enough…. His grace is sufficient…. His reign is righteous…. and His yoke is easy, and his burden is light. I wish I could describe Him to you, but He's indescribable…. He's incomprehensible…. He's invincible…. He's irresistible.

Well, you can't get Him out of your mind…. You can't get Him off of your hand…. You can't out live Him, and you can't live without Him…. The Pharisees couldn't stand Him, but they found out they couldn't stop Him…. Pilate couldn't find any fault in Him…. The witnesses couldn't get their testimonies to agree…. Herod couldn't kill Him…. Death couldn't handle Him, and the grave couldn't hold Him. Yea!!!, that's my King, that's my King.

Father… "Thine is the Kingdom…. and the Power…. and the Glory…. Forever"…. and ever, and ever, and ever, and ever. How long is that? And ever… and ever… and when you get through with all the forevers, then…. AMEN!….AMEN!

Note: We have been unable to determine whether or not this material is copyright protected. We share it in 'good faith'. If you believe us to be in error, please do contact us via the prayer request form on this page.

Soli Deo Gloria

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